Biology [Edexcel]

A-Levels, Made Simple.

We’ve translated the Biology, Chemistry and Maths A-Level curriculum into short & exam specific tutorials for AQA, OCR and EDEXCEL. We also cut out all the waffle from your text books and translated — only the key content — into exam answers.

We are the only virtual solution for professional exam training & preparation in the UK. Our tutorials teach students exactly what the examiners want to see on the exam, and how to get top marks (in half the time).

Your Instructor

Rich Thompson
Rich Thompson

Rich finished his Biology Degree with first class honours, and went on to become one of the foremost exam experts in the UK for 10+ years. His teaching method is highly focused on exam preparation, since that's what results in high grades at the end of the year.

Rich's teaching system is a hybrid between learning + exam preparation, so that all of the information that students pull from his course will apply on the exam. Students who use this system improve by 1.7 grades on average, with over half of all students increasing by 2 or more grades.

Course Curriculum