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Progress Overview
Relative Atomic Mass
Relative Molecular Mass & Relative Formula Mass
Mass Spectra Examples & Calculations
Mass Spectra - Diatomic Elements
Calculating an Unknown Isotopic Mass
Electron Orbitals
Writing Electronic Configurations
Electronic Configurations of Ions
Electrons in Boxes
1st Molar Ionisation Energy
1st I.E.s Across a Period
1st I.E.s Across a Period - The Exceptions
1st I.E.s Down a Group
Successive I.E.s
1st Molar I.E.'s - The Graph!
How the Periodic Table Works
Period 3 Bonding & Trends
Electronic Configurations of Ions
Ionic Crystal Structure & Bonding - NaCl
Ionic Crystal Structure & Properties
The Covalent Bond
The Coordinate Bond
Bond Lengths & Bond Strengths
Metallic Crystal Structure - Magnesium
V.S.E.P.R. - Intro
Shapes & Bond Angles
Finding Shapes of Unknowns - Episodes 1&2
Shapes in Larger Molecules
Permanent Dipole Forces
Induced Dipole Forces
Hydrogen Bonding
Spotting IMFs - Comparing Compounds
The Mole & Avogadro's Constant
The Mole & Mass
Calculations & Stoichiometry
Moles & Mass Questions 1&2
Finding .xH2O Calculation
The Mole & Solutions
Moles & Solutions Questions 1&2
Finding The Limiting Reagent
Molar Gas Volume
The Ideal Gas Equation Explained
Ideal Gas Equation Questions 1&2
% Composition by Mass
Empirical and Molecular Formulae
% Atom Economy
% Yield
Enthalpy (H) & Enthalpy Change (ΔH)
Enthalpy Change (ΔH) - The Reactions
Energy Profile Diagrams
Calorimetry (Q = mcΔT)
Calorimetry: Alternative Calculation
Calorimetry - Finding ΔH Neutralisation
Calorimetry - Finding ΔH Combustion
Hess’ Law
Hess’ Law - Using Enthalpy of Formation (ΔHf)
Hess’ Law - Enthalpy of Combustion (ΔHc)
Hess’ Law - Example Calculations 1&2
Constructing Hess' Cycles Using Unknowns
Mean Bond Enthalpies
Calculating Errors
Measure the Molar Volume of a Gas (Required Practical 1)
Preparing a Standard Solution (Required Prac 2)
Setting up a Titration
Performing an Acid-Base Titration (Required Practical 3a)
Acid-Base Titration Calculations (Required Practical 3b)
Back Titrations
Back Titration Calculations
Gravimetric Analysis (Finding .xH2O)
Rate of Hydrolysis of Haloalkanes (Core Practical 4)
Measuring Rate - Gas Collection (Continuous Rate Method)
Measuring Rate - Loss in Mass (Continuous Rate Method)
The Oxidation of Ethanol (Core Practical 5)
Chlorination of 2-methypropan-2-ol w/c.HCl (Core Practical 6)
Separation Techniques
Testing for Inorganic Ions (Required Practical 7a)
Testing for Organic Compounds (Required Practical 7b)
Measuring ΔHc
Measuring ΔHn
Indirect Determination of Enthalpy Change (Core Practical 8)
Definitions of Acids & Bases
Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs
Calculating pH - Intro
Calculating pH - Strong Acids
Calculating Concentration - Strong Acids
Weak Acids - Ka
Calculating pH - Weak Acids
Calculating Concentration - Weak Acids
Kw - Ionic Product of Water
Calculating pH - Strong Bases
Calculating Concentration - Strong Bases
pKa & pKw
Types of pH Curve
How pH Curves Work
What pH Curves can tell you (Finding Ka)
Enthalpy Changes in Neutralisation Reactions
How Acid Buffers Work
How Basic Buffers Work
Calculating pH of an Acid Buffer
Acid Buffer pH Example Calculation
Acid Buffer Component Calculation
Buffer Action in Blood
Half Cells & Half Equations
Combining Half Cells - Conventions
Half-Cells of Ions in Solution
The Standard Hydrogen Electrode
The Electrochemical Series
Calculating EMF
Predicting Reactions
Predicting the Feasibility of Reactions
Effect of Changing Conditions
Disproportionation & E Values
Storage Cells
Relationship Between E-Cell Entropy & LnK
The Lithium Ion Battery
Fuel Cells
The Alkaline Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Pro's & Con's of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell
The Fe2+ / Permanganate REDOX Reaction
The Thiosulfate / Iodine Titration
Reduction of Vanadium by Zinc
REDOX Reaction - Dichromate + Zn
REDOX Reaction - Cr3+ + Hydrogen Peroxide
Precipitation Reactions + NaOH
Precipitation Reactions + NH3
Monodentate Iron (III) Complexes
Copper Complexes
Cobalt Complexes
Ligand Exchange & Entropy (AKA The Chelate Effect)
Homogeneous Catalysts
Heterogeneous Catalysts
Catalytic Converters
Autocatalysis (Mn2+)
Orders of Reaction
Finding Orders Using Data 1&2
Finding Orders Using Conc Vs Time Graph
Half Life & K
The Rate Expression
Using the Rate Expression
The Rate Expression & The Rate Determining Step
Understanding the Arrhenius Equation
The Arrhenius Equation - The Graph
The Rate of Haloalkane Hydrolysis: SN1 SN2
Benzene Structure
Evidence for Benzene Structure
Benzene Vs Alkenes - Reactivity
Electrophilic Substitution Mechanism - Halogenation
Electrophilic Substitution Mechanism - Nitration (& Reduction to phenylamine)
Electrophilic Substitution Mechanism - Acylation
Naming Substituted Benzene Compounds
Phenol - Ease of Substitution
Amine Structure & Chemistry
Producing Amines
Amines - Relative Base Strength
Amines + Acids
Amines & Copper Complex Ions
Amino Acid Structure
Polymerisation of Amino Acids
Hydrolysis of Amino Acids
Amino Acids in Different pH's
Protein Structure
Identification of Repeating Units
Hydrolysis - A Reminder
Finding the Ka of a Weak Acid (Core Practical 9)
Investigating Electrochemical cells (Core Practical 10)
Identifying / Producing Transition Metal Complexes (Core Practical 12)
Iodine + Propanone Rates Prac (Core Practical 13a)
The Iodine Clock Reaction - Initial Rate Method (Core Practical 13b)
Finding the Activation Energy of a Reaction (Core Practical 14)
Testing for Organic Compounds (Core Practical 15)
Preparation of Aspirin (Core Practical 16)
Practical Thin Layer Chromatography
Determination of Melting Point
This is the Skills content.
This is the Techniques content.
Live Classes
Monday 17th March
- 5pm | Combined Techniques 2 (A Level)
Wednesday 19th March
- 5pm | Alkenes-Stereoisomerism (AS)
Monday 24th March
- 5pm | Electrochemical Cells (A Level)
Wednesday 26th March
- 5pm | Alkenes-Reactions (AS)
Study Plans